Thursday, December 16, 2010
Final Fantasy XIV: Sad News...
Due to continuous decrease of players, Square Enix (Company owner of FF XIV) decided to extend their trial period definitely. At the same time the release of the PS3 version of the game will be delayed.
Major reconstruction of FF XIV team and leadership has been made to ensure improvements of the game. It is sad news indeed that this epic game is not doing well for I’m a huge of the Final Fantasy, but still there are still people waiting for changes and are continuing to play the game.
I want to point out one problem that I encounter with this game and that is I have to make some major upgrade to my PC just to run the game smoothly. Achieving their minimum requirement maybe hard on other people and may hinder them to play the game.
Source >> Lodestone Final Fantasy XIV
Saturday, December 4, 2010
UWO Newbie Guide
Lesson One: Choosing a class/job
InUncharted Waters Online (UWO) you choose your class at character creation;however, the choice is far from permanent. That does not mean you should notput at least a little thought into your character.
The mostbasic classes, the ones that you start in are the “Learner” classes. These areextremely basic classes that most people will want to leave with all due haste.The classes and their starting skills are:
Adventure Learner: Sail Handling, Surveying, Search
Trade Learner: Accounts, Storage, Escape
Military Learner: Swordplay, Gunnery, Repair
Each ofthese sets of skills are nicely suited for each of these playstyles. If youthink you will enjoy sailing around the world, searching for artifacts and lostcivilizations, go Adventurer Learner. If you wish to dominate in the economy,and amass fortunes, Trade Learner is usually the place to start. If you preferto just shoot other ships, until they die, nothing wrong at all with goingmilitary learner.
If indoubt, I say you should choose adventure learner, because the skills it comeswith are some of the nicest skills to have when getting used to traveling inUWO. They are not mandatory, but they sure feel great.
Lesson Two: Choosinga Nationality for Traders
Technicallyyou make this choice first while making your character, however this is purelygoing to be from a min/max point of view, if this is not your cup of tea, thenskip right past this section and choose the nation you prefer the most.
Also, as ofright now, this is going to be based purely on function of trading, so moreadventure interested and battle-ready players may wish to skip right past thissection.
Thelocation of your capital, territories, and placement on the world map givenmany variations in which countries are good for what. I am going to layout somevery basic themes here. Here I’ll make comments based on the “crafting” typesof skills and how different towns can affect them.
Cooking: A pretty self explanatory skill, most nations haveready access to different methods and items that excel for cooks, however theonly one with a nice early game advantage would be Portugal, due to its ready accessto pigs, which can be flipped quite readily for a tidy profit right out of thegate.
Suggested Nation: Portugal (though any can do thisquite well)
Suggested Supporting Skills: Livestock Trading, FoodTrading, Storage
Also Helpful: Handicrafts
Sewing: Sewing, the art of making sails and clothing, is apretty odd craft, early game sewing, is dominated by Venice right now due tothe plucking route very close to their capital, although this is a very niceroute, and very profitable in all ways, the Dutch will definitely get my nodfor currently the best access to supplies at all levels, from right out thegate straight to India.
Suggested Nation: Netherlands(Venice and England also can do very well)
Suggested Supporting Skills: Textile Trading, FabricTrading, Dye Trading, Livestock Trading
Also Helpful: None, the above skills are really all you’llneed to excel at sewing.
Casting: Casting is a Northern Europe dominated profession,Hamburg, a town constantly being fought over by England and Netherlands ishands down THE town for Casters for cannon making as well as leveling. Castingcan earn very nice experience while leveling, and very good profits. It sadlycan NOT earn fame at a decent rate while leveling.
Suggested Nation: England/Netherlands (nobody else canreally compete)
Suggested Supporting Skills: Mineral Trading, Wares Trading,Handicrafts
Also Helpful: Metal Trading, Firearms Trading, WeaponsTrading, Sundries Trading, and Collections
Storage: Storage is a great skill, the main benefit ofstorage is not usually considered its crafting, and one with no clear winnernationality wise at all. Storage is exceedingly useful in prolonging thelifespan of items in multiple ways.
Suggested nation: Any
Suggested Supporting Skills: Fishing, Food Trading, Cooking
Also Helpful: Livestock Trading. Procurement, Collections
Handicrafts: Handicrafts is the ultimate “support” craft, asit synergizes well with all the other types, of crafting skills, it is also THEskill for alcohol crafting and makes the majority of the utility items we allknow and love. Due to its advantages with Wine, I am going to have to give Handicraftsto the French.
Suggested Nation: France (all can exceed quite well)
Suggested Supporting Skills: Food Trading, Alcohol Trading,Wares Trading
Also Helpful: Procurement, Collections
Lesson Three: Schoolis your friend
The mostimportant thing for all new players is this: Finish School.I suggest that every person should finish all beginner courses as well as theintermediate courses for all three types of characters.
It can beboring, especially if you’re like me and like to play multiple characters, asit becomes a little dull clicking through everything at times, but the payoutis worth it. As a player new to the game, the experience and fame rewards arefar and wide worth it. In addition you end up with a nice selection of jobchange cards, which will not a finite resource, are always nice to have.
Advancedschool is something I also think everyone should complete eventually, as itreally does help prepare you for the life of that type of character. It alsohelps you to make friends by encouraging you to team with others.
Lesson Four: Setreasonable goals
The largestenemies to the players in a game like UWO will be burn-out and beingoverwhelmed. Take baby steps, aim for one or two skill ups or levels a night.Don’t try and do everything at once.
Some goodstarting goals:
Finish acourse of school
Discoverall ports in your area (Great Fame for Adventurers)
Get a newship
Invest in atown to unlock access to books (Great Fame for Merchants)
Start afleet with friends, almost universally useful
Fight somerandom enemy pirates (Great fame for Battle Types)
Aim forlevel 20, so you can attain your first Aide
Advance your national storyline.
Lesson Five:Questing, Reporting, and Discoveries.
Completingquests can rapidly accelerate your leveling and fame gaining when donecorrectly. One of the most favored ways of completing quests is to take a questthat sends you someplace, then take another quest that sends you back again.This is a great tactic! However, something few people realize is that allquests except the ones from school can be turned in at many waitresses aroundthe world, especially in most larger cities. The waitress will need to like youfor harder quests to be turned in. Easiest way to increase a waitressesrelationship is to give her gifts. It may seem silly at first buying an 8,000Ducat item just to give to a waitress, but if it lets you turn in a quest worth50,000 and then obtain a quest heading back that same direction, its money wellspent.
Discoveries:Adventures live and die getting discoveries, each type of discovery has a fewdifferent specific people who will give you much better rewards for that type.For Example, The Duchess in Genoa, and John Deeis London bothgive great rewards AND they give you a Quest Mediation Permit whenever you turnin a Port Discovery.
Well that’s it for now, if people find this helpful I willadd more to this.
InUncharted Waters Online (UWO) you choose your class at character creation;however, the choice is far from permanent. That does not mean you should notput at least a little thought into your character.
The mostbasic classes, the ones that you start in are the “Learner” classes. These areextremely basic classes that most people will want to leave with all due haste.The classes and their starting skills are:
Adventure Learner: Sail Handling, Surveying, Search
Trade Learner: Accounts, Storage, Escape
Military Learner: Swordplay, Gunnery, Repair
Each ofthese sets of skills are nicely suited for each of these playstyles. If youthink you will enjoy sailing around the world, searching for artifacts and lostcivilizations, go Adventurer Learner. If you wish to dominate in the economy,and amass fortunes, Trade Learner is usually the place to start. If you preferto just shoot other ships, until they die, nothing wrong at all with goingmilitary learner.
If indoubt, I say you should choose adventure learner, because the skills it comeswith are some of the nicest skills to have when getting used to traveling inUWO. They are not mandatory, but they sure feel great.
Lesson Two: Choosinga Nationality for Traders
Technicallyyou make this choice first while making your character, however this is purelygoing to be from a min/max point of view, if this is not your cup of tea, thenskip right past this section and choose the nation you prefer the most.
Also, as ofright now, this is going to be based purely on function of trading, so moreadventure interested and battle-ready players may wish to skip right past thissection.
Thelocation of your capital, territories, and placement on the world map givenmany variations in which countries are good for what. I am going to layout somevery basic themes here. Here I’ll make comments based on the “crafting” typesof skills and how different towns can affect them.
Cooking: A pretty self explanatory skill, most nations haveready access to different methods and items that excel for cooks, however theonly one with a nice early game advantage would be Portugal, due to its ready accessto pigs, which can be flipped quite readily for a tidy profit right out of thegate.
Suggested Nation: Portugal (though any can do thisquite well)
Suggested Supporting Skills: Livestock Trading, FoodTrading, Storage
Also Helpful: Handicrafts
Sewing: Sewing, the art of making sails and clothing, is apretty odd craft, early game sewing, is dominated by Venice right now due tothe plucking route very close to their capital, although this is a very niceroute, and very profitable in all ways, the Dutch will definitely get my nodfor currently the best access to supplies at all levels, from right out thegate straight to India.
Suggested Nation: Netherlands(Venice and England also can do very well)
Suggested Supporting Skills: Textile Trading, FabricTrading, Dye Trading, Livestock Trading
Also Helpful: None, the above skills are really all you’llneed to excel at sewing.
Casting: Casting is a Northern Europe dominated profession,Hamburg, a town constantly being fought over by England and Netherlands ishands down THE town for Casters for cannon making as well as leveling. Castingcan earn very nice experience while leveling, and very good profits. It sadlycan NOT earn fame at a decent rate while leveling.
Suggested Nation: England/Netherlands (nobody else canreally compete)
Suggested Supporting Skills: Mineral Trading, Wares Trading,Handicrafts
Also Helpful: Metal Trading, Firearms Trading, WeaponsTrading, Sundries Trading, and Collections
Storage: Storage is a great skill, the main benefit ofstorage is not usually considered its crafting, and one with no clear winnernationality wise at all. Storage is exceedingly useful in prolonging thelifespan of items in multiple ways.
Suggested nation: Any
Suggested Supporting Skills: Fishing, Food Trading, Cooking
Also Helpful: Livestock Trading. Procurement, Collections
Handicrafts: Handicrafts is the ultimate “support” craft, asit synergizes well with all the other types, of crafting skills, it is also THEskill for alcohol crafting and makes the majority of the utility items we allknow and love. Due to its advantages with Wine, I am going to have to give Handicraftsto the French.
Suggested Nation: France (all can exceed quite well)
Suggested Supporting Skills: Food Trading, Alcohol Trading,Wares Trading
Also Helpful: Procurement, Collections
Lesson Three: Schoolis your friend
The mostimportant thing for all new players is this: Finish School.I suggest that every person should finish all beginner courses as well as theintermediate courses for all three types of characters.
It can beboring, especially if you’re like me and like to play multiple characters, asit becomes a little dull clicking through everything at times, but the payoutis worth it. As a player new to the game, the experience and fame rewards arefar and wide worth it. In addition you end up with a nice selection of jobchange cards, which will not a finite resource, are always nice to have.
Advancedschool is something I also think everyone should complete eventually, as itreally does help prepare you for the life of that type of character. It alsohelps you to make friends by encouraging you to team with others.
Lesson Four: Setreasonable goals
The largestenemies to the players in a game like UWO will be burn-out and beingoverwhelmed. Take baby steps, aim for one or two skill ups or levels a night.Don’t try and do everything at once.
Some goodstarting goals:
Finish acourse of school
Discoverall ports in your area (Great Fame for Adventurers)
Get a newship
Invest in atown to unlock access to books (Great Fame for Merchants)
Start afleet with friends, almost universally useful
Fight somerandom enemy pirates (Great fame for Battle Types)
Aim forlevel 20, so you can attain your first Aide
Advance your national storyline.
Lesson Five:Questing, Reporting, and Discoveries.
Completingquests can rapidly accelerate your leveling and fame gaining when donecorrectly. One of the most favored ways of completing quests is to take a questthat sends you someplace, then take another quest that sends you back again.This is a great tactic! However, something few people realize is that allquests except the ones from school can be turned in at many waitresses aroundthe world, especially in most larger cities. The waitress will need to like youfor harder quests to be turned in. Easiest way to increase a waitressesrelationship is to give her gifts. It may seem silly at first buying an 8,000Ducat item just to give to a waitress, but if it lets you turn in a quest worth50,000 and then obtain a quest heading back that same direction, its money wellspent.
Discoveries:Adventures live and die getting discoveries, each type of discovery has a fewdifferent specific people who will give you much better rewards for that type.For Example, The Duchess in Genoa, and John Deeis London bothgive great rewards AND they give you a Quest Mediation Permit whenever you turnin a Port Discovery.
Well that’s it for now, if people find this helpful I willadd more to this.
Friday, November 12, 2010
My Trade Runs (Food/Livestock) by major_pain
Well after stumbling around for a month and going thru the whole trade school. i decided to take a path and start grinding skill and ducats.
i choose food dealer to start. and i have to say starting from london, and exploring as far as dublin and copenhagen i was making little to no profit as i was spending as much on provisions and vigor etc as i was making in profits.
i also was making a few mistakes on buying a few high priced items hoping to turn a huge profit, and ended up carrying them around for weeks in game time looking for the port i would take the red colored loss price least painful lol.
then i recalled the special combos and i was getting into the cooking part a bit. i decided to make it or break it. i started doing merchant guild missions. any i could not just big ones. i got a lot of fame. and a nice base of gold to go for my big break.
off i sailed from london full of goods. i stopped at just about every port on my way to genoa for some book i needed. by the time i got to genoa i had made almost a million in profit and i still had a ship load of goods. i then went and found out what each ports special goods were. and i sailed back to london town.
this time skipping ports with no special goods no foods like ham or sausages etc. i hit seville and was talking to someone and i asked why can i only purchase 20 chickens but i can purchase 50 poultery's? and i was asked if i had food trading and animal trading skills..i said only food. it was highly suggested i get animal trading to. and let me tell you animal and food and seasoning trade skills in my slots....and my profits are starting to bloom. i have my next ship already built and it was paid for with the profits from my genoa / seville / london run. after grabbing all the special goods in the ports and only stocking water enuf to get port to port and fishing for food... lol i am loving this game. every time i log on now i am sure to profit at least 250k just sailing locally. if i really grind and make a london to athens mega uber grind run. i am sure to make 1 million each way, as i process animals and trades large amounts of food port to port i level my skills of cooking to level 5 from level 2 in one round trip. i also am a few xp points from getting into the bigger ship i bought from my first london genoa run.
and all this is possible from finishing the trade school and using the knowledge. add some wikia and JP wiki pages to find what port sells what......and im on my way to riches and fame...
so if you have a favored trade run that makes you yoru pocket money and it is doable by someone fresh out of trade school....
please share and discuss....
i also try to pick up guild missions on my long runs or i turn multi star missions into mini special and animal trade runs as time allows for the missions.
if the missions are along the way or i may have the goods on me already and can sail backwards 2 or 3 towns for a quick 15k reward. using the bar maids to turn missions in is BRILLIANT!
im not bragging on mega awesome profits here, im not saying youll get rich quick here either. rich youll get no matter what trade you do. butter from london in a nub tub to dover and back will get you 34
for a casual player exploring the beggining of the food / livestock trade. or for people out of london wondering what course to set....
or because i just felt like sharing my personal and profitable sail routes, im sure with my new ship ill go farther and find new and exotic ports and goods to add to my runs, but for a trader level 10 and fresh out of school and not using the guides and making my own way in the game.....
i found out that i am learning new things and shor cuts and finding great player deals in the hundreds of stalls i see along my voyages.
and i always try to bring back to london town some neat items from shopkeepers and craftsmen and sculptors and painters i run across in me trips.
and as anyone reading this who has purchased from me, i charge prices others think is crazy. for example i sell my PO's 25k, 35 k 45k 50k lvl 1,2,3,4 respectively.
i sell those pretty sail crests at 1500 to 2500 over cost. NOT 200k for a 5k crest. i sell figureheads same way 1 to 2 maybe 3 k over cost if its a new one i havent seen in english north. shoes, gloves, items players sell cheap, violins and skill books. cooking books mostly, if it cost 8k to purchase i charge 10k in london stall. 10k to purchase and a loooong ways from london 15k why you ask , i can get twice as much you say !!!! yes i could and i could also sit there for 3 days real time waiting for someone rich enough to afford those prices from asian economy. this is global world server with a new econ i prefer to sell low and i sell fast. all i gotta do is dress up and play music and say a few things and prices in open chat and maybe hour later im sold out and have tells asking for more. as i didnt ever think of using a alternate pc to run a sales storage mule toon..... i would rather sell low make a profit and go back to training skills then sit and wait for large profits. i can make the trade run and sell again in less time then sitting waiting for HUGE RICH player to buy all my stoopidly overpriced stuff. and i mean stuff that costs 1k at shopkeeper people try to sell for 150k in front of the trader. thats just stopid. i seen stalls mimic the shopkeeper sitting next to shopkeeper......prices 10 x of shopkeeper. sewing kits cost 2k they sell 20k or more wth is up with that?
lol so anyways if you bothered to read anything i posted....maybe something chimes with you. like only stocking water and converting fish to food with fishing/storage convert to supplies option. saves money, trains 2 skills low vigor output..... things like that. sure you can be a feather plucker....and you can be rich and buy everything you are supposed to find and you can uber level in a company with high level mates..... but if you are a true purist r a older rpg player who enjoys playing this solo or with a few friends or family members for fun and casual social enjoyment, then you enjoy playing like i do, with no pressure and no worries about the kiddie playground company politics, then have heart you CAN make a GOOD solid CONTINUOUS PROFIT,
just sailing around your local area using a minimum of skills and time. repeat good, continuous and profit, not top of the investor and ingame richest guy/gal listings. but you can using any trade skill set be it food yarn crafter, make plenty of monies to keep your ship afloat and bank enuf to replace it when its too full of holes to stay afloat.
if you are that comp type player then you didnt need to read this... but if youre like me and just could care less what anyone else is doing save those pesky goldspammers, then please i would love to trade little tips and other things i can add on to my list of things to do on my trade runs to make more money.
like missions and trading special goods, ill even go back to a town i passed make room buy good and bring back and make a few extra ducats just because some bartender mentioned that good sells well somewhere ;) but i always make sure i keep going forward skip no profit non profitable goods skimp on food and feed em fish, those types of things to make maximum use of my casual time....
i choose food dealer to start. and i have to say starting from london, and exploring as far as dublin and copenhagen i was making little to no profit as i was spending as much on provisions and vigor etc as i was making in profits.
i also was making a few mistakes on buying a few high priced items hoping to turn a huge profit, and ended up carrying them around for weeks in game time looking for the port i would take the red colored loss price least painful lol.
then i recalled the special combos and i was getting into the cooking part a bit. i decided to make it or break it. i started doing merchant guild missions. any i could not just big ones. i got a lot of fame. and a nice base of gold to go for my big break.
off i sailed from london full of goods. i stopped at just about every port on my way to genoa for some book i needed. by the time i got to genoa i had made almost a million in profit and i still had a ship load of goods. i then went and found out what each ports special goods were. and i sailed back to london town.
this time skipping ports with no special goods no foods like ham or sausages etc. i hit seville and was talking to someone and i asked why can i only purchase 20 chickens but i can purchase 50 poultery's? and i was asked if i had food trading and animal trading skills..i said only food. it was highly suggested i get animal trading to. and let me tell you animal and food and seasoning trade skills in my slots....and my profits are starting to bloom. i have my next ship already built and it was paid for with the profits from my genoa / seville / london run. after grabbing all the special goods in the ports and only stocking water enuf to get port to port and fishing for food... lol i am loving this game. every time i log on now i am sure to profit at least 250k just sailing locally. if i really grind and make a london to athens mega uber grind run. i am sure to make 1 million each way, as i process animals and trades large amounts of food port to port i level my skills of cooking to level 5 from level 2 in one round trip. i also am a few xp points from getting into the bigger ship i bought from my first london genoa run.
and all this is possible from finishing the trade school and using the knowledge. add some wikia and JP wiki pages to find what port sells what......and im on my way to riches and fame...
so if you have a favored trade run that makes you yoru pocket money and it is doable by someone fresh out of trade school....
please share and discuss....
i also try to pick up guild missions on my long runs or i turn multi star missions into mini special and animal trade runs as time allows for the missions.
if the missions are along the way or i may have the goods on me already and can sail backwards 2 or 3 towns for a quick 15k reward. using the bar maids to turn missions in is BRILLIANT!
im not bragging on mega awesome profits here, im not saying youll get rich quick here either. rich youll get no matter what trade you do. butter from london in a nub tub to dover and back will get you 34
for a casual player exploring the beggining of the food / livestock trade. or for people out of london wondering what course to set....
or because i just felt like sharing my personal and profitable sail routes, im sure with my new ship ill go farther and find new and exotic ports and goods to add to my runs, but for a trader level 10 and fresh out of school and not using the guides and making my own way in the game.....
i found out that i am learning new things and shor cuts and finding great player deals in the hundreds of stalls i see along my voyages.
and i always try to bring back to london town some neat items from shopkeepers and craftsmen and sculptors and painters i run across in me trips.
and as anyone reading this who has purchased from me, i charge prices others think is crazy. for example i sell my PO's 25k, 35 k 45k 50k lvl 1,2,3,4 respectively.
i sell those pretty sail crests at 1500 to 2500 over cost. NOT 200k for a 5k crest. i sell figureheads same way 1 to 2 maybe 3 k over cost if its a new one i havent seen in english north. shoes, gloves, items players sell cheap, violins and skill books. cooking books mostly, if it cost 8k to purchase i charge 10k in london stall. 10k to purchase and a loooong ways from london 15k why you ask , i can get twice as much you say !!!! yes i could and i could also sit there for 3 days real time waiting for someone rich enough to afford those prices from asian economy. this is global world server with a new econ i prefer to sell low and i sell fast. all i gotta do is dress up and play music and say a few things and prices in open chat and maybe hour later im sold out and have tells asking for more. as i didnt ever think of using a alternate pc to run a sales storage mule toon..... i would rather sell low make a profit and go back to training skills then sit and wait for large profits. i can make the trade run and sell again in less time then sitting waiting for HUGE RICH player to buy all my stoopidly overpriced stuff. and i mean stuff that costs 1k at shopkeeper people try to sell for 150k in front of the trader. thats just stopid. i seen stalls mimic the shopkeeper sitting next to shopkeeper......prices 10 x of shopkeeper. sewing kits cost 2k they sell 20k or more wth is up with that?
lol so anyways if you bothered to read anything i posted....maybe something chimes with you. like only stocking water and converting fish to food with fishing/storage convert to supplies option. saves money, trains 2 skills low vigor output..... things like that. sure you can be a feather plucker....and you can be rich and buy everything you are supposed to find and you can uber level in a company with high level mates..... but if you are a true purist r a older rpg player who enjoys playing this solo or with a few friends or family members for fun and casual social enjoyment, then you enjoy playing like i do, with no pressure and no worries about the kiddie playground company politics, then have heart you CAN make a GOOD solid CONTINUOUS PROFIT,
just sailing around your local area using a minimum of skills and time. repeat good, continuous and profit, not top of the investor and ingame richest guy/gal listings. but you can using any trade skill set be it food yarn crafter, make plenty of monies to keep your ship afloat and bank enuf to replace it when its too full of holes to stay afloat.
if you are that comp type player then you didnt need to read this... but if youre like me and just could care less what anyone else is doing save those pesky goldspammers, then please i would love to trade little tips and other things i can add on to my list of things to do on my trade runs to make more money.
like missions and trading special goods, ill even go back to a town i passed make room buy good and bring back and make a few extra ducats just because some bartender mentioned that good sells well somewhere ;) but i always make sure i keep going forward skip no profit non profitable goods skimp on food and feed em fish, those types of things to make maximum use of my casual time....
Monday, November 1, 2010
Uncharted Waters Online: Language Guide
Uncharted Waters Online is an online game wherein you play in the Age of Discovery/Exploration period of Planet Earth (15th to 17th Century), where you are one of the Captain on voyage trying to open new trade routes, discover new exciting places, and the mapping of the planet. Of course, before you can have a conversation and establish a good trade with the peoples of the world, you need to learn their languages.
Learning a new language is simple, just visit any city and talk to the lords and ladies of any ‘houses’. As a clue, the names of these houses end up with the word ‘Estate’. Additionally, guild houses (Adventurer Guild, Maritime Guild, and Merchant/Trader Guild) also offer languages.
* Source: Great Voyage Online wiki sites.
Creative Commons-Attribution-Share_Alike 3.0
Learning a new language is simple, just visit any city and talk to the lords and ladies of any ‘houses’. As a clue, the names of these houses end up with the word ‘Estate’. Additionally, guild houses (Adventurer Guild, Maritime Guild, and Merchant/Trader Guild) also offer languages.
Follow up:
Below you will find a tabular list of the languages available per city and the establishment where you can learn it. A word of caution, languages count as one (1) skill. You will need to forget a skill if you already maxed out your allotted number of skills that you can learn. But be careful not to unlearn the language of the city you are currently in, lest you want to travel all the way back to where you first learnt of their language in the first place. Language | Used in | City/Town |
Arabic [ARA] | Islamic world | Athens (Maritime Guild) Genoa (Merchant Guild) Seville (Tome Pires) |
Celtic [CLT] | Britain archives | London (Shakespeare) |
Chinese [CHN] | China | Anping (He Bin) |
Dutch [DUT] | North Flanders | London (Shakespeare) Marseille (Francois Rabelais) Seville (Maritime Guild) Venice (President Shylock) |
Egyptian [EGY] | Egypt | Beirut (Bay Hail) Tripoli (Shinan Pasha) |
English [ENG] | Great Britain | Amsterdam (Erasmus) Genoa (Maritime Guild) Marseille (Francois Rabelais) Seville (Duke of Parma) |
French [FRE] | France | Amsterdam (Lou Pence) Venice (Michelangelo) |
German [GER] | Germany | Amsterdam (Maritime Guild) |
Greek [GRE] | Greek Peninsula | Naples (Merchant Guild) Venice (Maritime Guild) |
Hebrew [HEB] | Israel, Sinai | Naples (Thomas Campanella) |
Indic (Indo-Aryan) [IND] | Indian Sub-Continent | Hormuz (Ali Reis) Manila (Lopez de Legazpi) Muscat (Al Gauri) |
Italian [ITA] | Italian Peninsula | Lisbon (President Baldi) Marseille (Da Vinci) Seville (El Greco) |
Japanese [JPN] | Japan | Nagasaki (William Adams) |
Korean [KOR] | Korean Peninsula | Hanyang (Yu Seong-ryong) |
Latin [LTN] | European Scholars | Syracusa (Prince Jame) |
Malay-Tagalog [MAL] | South-East Asia | Calicut (Kujarato Daesang Group) |
Mayan [MAY] | Central America | Havana (Chief Uareo) |
Mon-Khmer [MON] | Indochina | Calicut (Adventurer Guild) |
Nahuatl (Aztec) [NWT] | Central America | Veracruz (Las Casas) |
Nordic/Norse [NOR] | Scandinavian Peninsula | London (Maritime Guild) |
Oceanic languages [OCE] | Oceania region | Buenos Aires (Diaz de Solis) Manila (Lopez de Legazpi) |
Persian [PRS] | Basra and Hormuz | Mozambique (Koritan) Zanzibar (Elder Majid) |
Portuguese [PRT] | Iberian Peninsula | Amsterdam (Mercator) Nantes (Princess Margaret) Seville (Tome Pires) |
Quechua [QCH] | South America | Portobelo (Balboa) |
Slavic [SLV] | Eastern Europe | Antwerp (Queen Mary) Athens (Martinengo engineer) Ragusa (Veronica Franco) |
Spanish [SPA] | Iberian Peninsula | Lisbon (Diaz Admiral) London (Shakespeare) Venice (Paracelsus) |
Swahili [SWA] | East Africa | Lisbon (Njinga Nbenba) |
Thai-Burmese [THA] | Burma/Myanmar and Thailand | Calicut (Marikkaru) |
Turkish [TUR] | Istanbul | Siracusa (Prince Jame) Tunis (Merchant Guild) |
West African languages [WAF] | South-West Africa | Porto (Duarte Lopez) |
* Source: Great Voyage Online wiki sites.
Creative Commons-Attribution-Share_Alike 3.0
Friday, October 29, 2010
UWO Halloween event Walkthrough
This event is so very tricky that i have to use my 2nd character for perfecting this walk through. In every major city you can find the NPC (Baker) who will bake for the cookies that you will need along the event later on.
Together with him, you will notice a group of children formed in a circle near the fountain or in the city's square area
Talk first to the Baker, keep talking to him until he says he wants to know what game the children will be playing.
Then, approach Willem and talk to him after that talk to Johan (Your enemy). After each dialogue of Johan talk to other kids then talk to him again. wait for him to tell you that the baker is already finished on the cookies.
Talk to the baker until he gives you a random number of cookies. It can be 60 pcs, 59 pcs, or 58 pcs.
I guess you already know the rules of Johan's mind game. To refresh, you will need to give cookies to any of the children around the circle. There are 8 kids. They will be getting a minimum of 1 cookie up to 3 cookies depending on what they want. Its automatic so you cannot decide. After that, you will give cookies to Johan he will also decide how many cookies he wants.
Kid A -> Johan -> Kid B -> Johan
You can do repetition in giving cookies to any kid.
The goal is to give or force Johan to take the last piece of cookie that you have in order to obtain the Event reward.
In my experience, Luck is not on my side but I can give you some tips. Here they are:
* Carlen only gets 1 cookie
* Michelle only gets 2 cookies
* Pieter only gets 3 cookies
Note: These 3 kids are your weapon in fighting Johan.
* When Johan force you down to 5 cookies you will lose. Base on my experience.
Your goal is to be the first to get the 49 cookie mark. Meaning you should have 49 cookies before talking to Johan again. Like so:
I got 59 cookies from the baker. I talked to Michelle who took 2 cookies. Now, I have 57.
Johan will get 3 cookies making it 54. Now, talk to Carlen, she will take 1 cookie to make 53.
Johan will take again 3 to make it 50. Now, this is the part I was talking about to make it to 49 cookies. Talk to Carlen to do so.
From here you have now the advantage. I assume you already notice the total of 4 cookies when Johan is winning. Now, use it to win his game. When Johan takes 3 talk to the kid that will take 1, When he takes 2 talk to the kid that will take 2, and When he takes 1 talk to the kid that will take 3 be careful though do not use the same kid as before. Do this and you will win the reward.
Extra Note:
As I was saying above about the "Do not use the same kid as before". Here they are, use them alternately in order to win.
Johan - Enemy
Sylvia - Trickster
Carl - Trickster
Alberto - 3
Pieter - 3
Michelle - 2
Willem - 2
Anne - 1
Carlen - 1
Why I label Sylvia and Carl as "Trickster"? because you do not need them and they might lead you in losing the game because they are randomly getting cookies from you which will ruin your calculation.
I am not 100% sure about this one since I'm not sure if the admins will manipulate the system (LoL) but I hope it will help a lot.
The event will end on November 3, 2010. Source
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Uncharted Waters Online Job Table (Beginner & Intermediate)
Below is the Uncharted Waters Online's Job Table (Beginner and Intermediate) still need more information regarding the Master Jobs. Would like to thank Oranjebeard for posting the information. Source: Class Change Guide
Click the image to enlarge it.
Level Requirements:
Adventure Class
Merchant Class
Maritime Class
**credits to rockafella_chic
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Uncharted Waters Online: TIPS AND TRICKS
Adventure Class Quick EXP/Fame Guide by Starcrossed
Just want to say Thank You to Starcrossed who created this guide. This is a very helpful and effective guide for Adventurers.How to gain quick experience and fame as a beginning Adventurer:
This can be done solo but has better results in a group as you get nearly twice the fame if you all turn in the quests at once.
Step One - Getting to Athens:
All three Intermediate schools complete so that you have the three Adventure job permits
500 adventure fame, which you should get from the schools.
Helmsperson for skills.
Once you have the prerequisites, you will need to take a trip to Seville so you can begin what many of us call the 588-91. This refers to the quest rewards that the quests give, 58,800 ducats and 9,100 ducats respectively. You will need to go to the Adventure’s guild and speak to the Mediator to begin one of these quests.
588 - The Middle of the Atlantic
This quest gives a reward of 58,800 ducats. All it requires is sailing west from Seville until you find an island chain that consists of three small islands known as the Azores. Once you are amongst them, you use recognition to ‘discover’ the islands. You then return to Seville and turn the quest in, netting a few hundred exp and fame as well as 58,800 Ducats.
91 - The Tip of the Iberian Peninsula
Because you cannot repeat a quest, you need a filler quest after you do 588. This quest is normally a quest to Faro for 9,100 ducats known as the Tip of the Iberian Peninsula. It is quick and will allow you to start 588 again quickly. However, if this quest is not available any quick quest to Malaga or Lisbon also works to speed up the process. You will need to do this until you reach 2,000 adventure fame.
Step Two - Raising Archeology
For step three, level 4 Archeology is required. The quickest way to do this is to head to Genoa. In Genoa there is a level 1 geography quest that takes you to Naples to speak to the scholar and then find an item in the Naples melee combat zone. Once that is done, you can turn the quest in at the Tavern and pick up an Archeology quest that sends you back to Genoa to speak to the Scholar there. This quest sends you back to Naples to dig another item. You will need to repeat this process till you have level 4 Archeology.
To maximize this process, you should be in a group. Pick a person to go first to discover the item. Everyone else stands back far enough that they cannot discover the item yet. This person with get between 20-40 proficiency. You then allow a second person to come dig while the original person stays in place. The second person and the first person obtain 20-40 proficiency, allowing the first to now collect 40-80 proficiency in one trip. You do this until everyone has discovered, then next time allow someone else in the group to go first. Take turns, work together.
An alternate way to do this step is to reach level 2 Archeology, then repeat the Archeology school quest to Tunis repeatedly in a group until you reach level four. This, however, requires you almost be finished with Advanced Adventure school.
Step 3 - Arriving in Athens:
2,000 Fame
Arabic - Can learn in Genoa Merchant GM
Greek - Can learn in Naples Merchant GM
Treasure Appraisal - Can learn in Lisbon Adventure GM
Unlock - Should have learned when switching to Excavator
This is the final step in fame farming for beginners. With this quest line, in a group, you can easily obtain 10,000-15,000 fame in just a few days of constant, determined farming. Possibly even 500-1000 an hour if you do it right.
You will need to go to Athens. In Athens you will need to pick up the quest the Sultans. This quest will send you to Beirut where you must speak to the Scholar. The Scholar will send you into the Alexandria wilds to discover something. Turn this quest in at the Alexandria Tavern and pick up Mourning a Greek Tragedy quest which takes you back to Athens to speak to the Scholar and discover something in the Athens wilds. You can run these two quests repeatedly and make possibly 100,000 ducats every 30-60 minutes while gaining massive fame and experience.
Edit: Sultans requires Appraisal level 4, Unlock level 2. If you do not want to level that you can alternately get Town Dedicated to Love from Athens to Famagusta.
Things to note:
Any nation can do this.
Quests that send you to a scholar normally require you to read a book.
This method may not be for everyone as they may get bored repeating the quest lines.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Uncharted Waters Online: TIPS AND TRICKS
Easy Ducat Earnings
This is not my own guide. I just modified and elaborate more of it to fully understand how to execute this guide and also it is updated to the *********’s Uncharted Waters Online. I give my thanks to the original uploader of this guide which is what I find very helpful.
Note: This is only for Traders that choose The Netherlands as their country.
“This simple guide is to help new Netherlands players make some easy ducats (In game Currency) at the start, and will not work as well for players from other countries. You have to start as a trade learner to utilize this guide.
Step 1.
For new players, please take some time and talk to all the HELPERS in the city before you start your school tutorial. They can give you some usable items. The order is as follows:
School--Market--item Shop--Craft store--Tavern--Bank (you'll receive 10k here)--Company Admin Office --Governor's Mansion--Mercator Estate—Shipyard (When you speak to the helper he will tell you to go to the Library, He is talking about the) –Archives (When you speak to the helper in the archives he will say to go to the Archives maybe a bug but proceed to)--Port (Harbour)
Step 2.
After you finished all the talking, Go the Merchant Guild and look for the task which requires you to deliver 4 barrels of ham to Den Helder. You can buy the Ham in the Market of Amsterdam. You can get one Merchant's guild card when report back.
Step 3.
Go back to your Merchant School to get another Merchant's guild card by finishing the School Quest or get graduated. Or you can find another trade learner to share the 4 barrels of ham quest, so you can do it again and get another guild card.
Step 4.
Go to your Merchant Guild Master and Use 1 Merchants guild card to become an Animal trader and learn the skills: Livestock Trading, Food Trading and Caution. Trade between Amsterdam and Den Helder until you have livestock and food trading reach lv2. Trade only livestock (Sheep and Chicken) and food (Ham, Poultry, etc) from both towns also check the prices to which is more favorable or highest profit to get. After that...
Step 5.
Use another merchant’s guild card to become a Yarn trader and learn the skills: Textile trading and Sewing. Buy a recipe book named Fabric secrets--Hardware at Item shop.
Step 6.
Go to Den Helder and buy all the chicken and sheep. Use your Sewing skill to turn them into feather and wool then go back to Amsterdam to sell them. Keep trading and sewing between Amsterdam and Den Helder until you reach sewing lv2.
Step 7.
Go to Groningen and buy a recipe book named Shipwright basic--Sewing book from the craft shop then go back to Amsterdam.
Step 8.
Buy all the Hemp Fabric and turn them into Spare sail by using your new sewing book. The spare sail costs 2 Hemp Fabric and 5 Vigour to make. The Pedlar will buy it for 1606D in Amsterdam and 1900D in London. The downside of selling Spare sail is that you will not get trade exp from it. However, while sewing the spare sail and you get a “great success” which consist of 2 spare sails you will gain trade experience from it.
Step 9.
Keep trading fabric and sewing until you are satisfied with your earnings.”
Extra Tip:
- Buy a Transport Small Caravel asap.
*Transport Small Caravel needs Adventure Level 2 and Trade Level 4 that costs 92,000 Ducats. It has a hold capacity of 126.
- Fabric is going to be the main source of your profit. If the profit is not good enough, you can go to Calais and sell them there. Gin, Dutch Calico and Feather are considered special goods in Calais which means you will get double Exp. And when in Calais get the Dried Apples which is considered special goods in Amsterdam.
official site
Saturday, October 16, 2010
UWO "Helper" Quest Guide, easy basic Items and Ducats/Gold.
UWO "Helper" Quest Guide, easy basic Items and Ducats/Gold.
Guide for Beginners.
Talk to the maritime GM to get the following items, and you'll be transported to the school.
Now we start the Helper Quest Guide.
Talk to the Helper in the SChool near the receptionist.
Keep on clicking the "Talk to" icon to the following helpers listed below. Until you have received the reward items. Then continue to talk to the helper , they will tell you where to go next.
*You must do it in order.
*You can identify the areas by pointing your cursor/mouse pointer.
*To locate the map easily press ctrl+G
*Click on the icons and your character will automatically go to the location.
You will get the following rewards from the helpers.
Helper School:
Assorted Fruits 10pcs.
Helper Market:
Peanuts 20pcs.
Item shop helper:
Landmark Ribbons 3pcs.
Quadrant 1pc.
Sober 3pcs.
50,000 Ducats/Gold
Administration Office.
No.10 Tickets 5pcs.
Palace/Royal Casle:
Aromatic Oil
Carpentry Tools
Barrel of diversion
Port Harbour:
Cease Fire
That is the end of our Journey from helper quest, overall you will have the following items and total of 100,000 Ducats/Gold.
Afterwards, Proceed again to the school to continue on your noob lessons ok?
If you have any questions feel free to reply on my thread.
Thank you and Have a nice Day!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Game review: Uncharted waters online

Uncharted Waters Online has been a vintage game for a long long time started in Super Nintendo then into a MMO. UWO (For short) is not your actual typical hack and slash MMO but rather a different and unique experience when it comes to gameplay. You set out in a world back in 15th century era where exploration, discoveries, and wealth what motivates the people in those age.
The graphics are a bit out dated since the game is already been released locally in Taiwan, korea, japan, etc. but only now it has been released in English and it is available to every player globally. But IMMO the real beauty of its graphics lies on the varieties of places to go. From the great palace of England to the mysterious stone heads of eastern island (Chile). These historic places that only lets you experience in books or images in the internet can now be visited in the virtual world of UWO. Towns are also different depending on the architectural culture of its time.
The variety of outfits, weapons, and ships are all based on the fashion of the 15th century era from western to eastern making it more realistic. Character creation is somewhat limited but you can still have your own unique avatar.
The most appreciated of all is the open sea and the sky because of its vastness and it really makes you wonder how big is the world is.
IMMHO the BG sound is a sleeping pill for me but not annoying, as you travel alone in the open sea and hearing this calm music in your ears made my eyes drowsy.
Each country has its own lead character and story to show. You will be doing quest for them and you will be a part of it. Short cut scenes, large character face images, and the conversation reminds of RPGames in consoles. There are other quests as well (I mentioned this in my earlier blog entries) that involves renowned historic figures such as Da Vinci, Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, and others. Following the main story will let you unlock some of the areas that are important in the game.
Newbie System: (Any system that involves new players)
The helper in town and the Maritime Academy is huge help for me to understand the game better. But the downside is that it is too long to finish each level of academy however it still worth it.
There is a land battle where your character set out on foot in the land and encounters enemy during his/her travel. I have little experience in Land Battle but skill animations are good and strategy plays a big part like in the ship battles. Ship Battles are somewhat normal and it is not exaggerated like other MMOs. The animations are simple and fit perfectly to the game overall outlook. For a change, your fingers will not be stressed and all tangled up by just clicking or pressing different skills, items, etc… Relatively easy but winning battles can sometimes be hard retreating a battle is a smart move and not a cowardly act in this game.
The grinding part of this game is gaining fame points (Fame points are like experience to level your job **** and the travelling. During the CBT that I recently experienced, lots of players (maybe veterans) have advanced quickly in only a span of 2 weeks. So I think player's progression is easy as long as you understand how the game works. Another grinding part for me is reading all the information and understanding how it ticks (LOL).
Game Play:
Basic movements like walking in town is easy because of their auto move by just clicking a location in the mini map but this is only available when you are in a town not in the sea. Sailing is easy but navigating and gaining access to different ports is hard. Navigating is hard because obviously your world map IS THE WHOLE WORLD! That is only the half of it, you still have the land to explore to!
Again, reading the quest is a must or you will get lost there are no "addons" like quest helper in WoW in this game. I even downloaded google earth just to know where to go to haha. There are also conditions that your outfit should be good to talk to a noble npc just to get a quest.
Crafting and profession is vast and there are tons of items, equipments, materials, parts, etc to acquire from (including work of arts). But thankfully there is the bank to store this and your own home. Speaking of bank, storage system is different. Storing money and leave it for a long time will gain interest and will be added to your total amount.
Another favorite part is having your own space in the game, either a dorm room, farm, to an island.In short there are many things to do in the game.
Lots of things to do in the game.
Recommended for those players that wants a change of pace besides action games.
Graphics are simply and unique on its own.
Newbie System.
BGM is so relaxing that you can go to sleep.
Due to the games vastness, players can get lost.
Lots of reading may tend new players to quit the game early.
Finding certain area in the sea is hard.
Finding items needed for your profession or crafting is quite difficult.
official site:

Uncharted Waters Online has been a vintage game for a long long time started in Super Nintendo then into a MMO. UWO (For short) is not your actual typical hack and slash MMO but rather a different and unique experience when it comes to gameplay. You set out in a world back in 15th century era where exploration, discoveries, and wealth what motivates the people in those age.
The graphics are a bit out dated since the game is already been released locally in Taiwan, korea, japan, etc. but only now it has been released in English and it is available to every player globally. But IMMO the real beauty of its graphics lies on the varieties of places to go. From the great palace of England to the mysterious stone heads of eastern island (Chile). These historic places that only lets you experience in books or images in the internet can now be visited in the virtual world of UWO. Towns are also different depending on the architectural culture of its time.
The variety of outfits, weapons, and ships are all based on the fashion of the 15th century era from western to eastern making it more realistic. Character creation is somewhat limited but you can still have your own unique avatar.
The most appreciated of all is the open sea and the sky because of its vastness and it really makes you wonder how big is the world is.
IMMHO the BG sound is a sleeping pill for me but not annoying, as you travel alone in the open sea and hearing this calm music in your ears made my eyes drowsy.
Each country has its own lead character and story to show. You will be doing quest for them and you will be a part of it. Short cut scenes, large character face images, and the conversation reminds of RPGames in consoles. There are other quests as well (I mentioned this in my earlier blog entries) that involves renowned historic figures such as Da Vinci, Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, and others. Following the main story will let you unlock some of the areas that are important in the game.
Newbie System: (Any system that involves new players)
The helper in town and the Maritime Academy is huge help for me to understand the game better. But the downside is that it is too long to finish each level of academy however it still worth it.
There is a land battle where your character set out on foot in the land and encounters enemy during his/her travel. I have little experience in Land Battle but skill animations are good and strategy plays a big part like in the ship battles. Ship Battles are somewhat normal and it is not exaggerated like other MMOs. The animations are simple and fit perfectly to the game overall outlook. For a change, your fingers will not be stressed and all tangled up by just clicking or pressing different skills, items, etc… Relatively easy but winning battles can sometimes be hard retreating a battle is a smart move and not a cowardly act in this game.
The grinding part of this game is gaining fame points (Fame points are like experience to level your job **** and the travelling. During the CBT that I recently experienced, lots of players (maybe veterans) have advanced quickly in only a span of 2 weeks. So I think player's progression is easy as long as you understand how the game works. Another grinding part for me is reading all the information and understanding how it ticks (LOL).
Game Play:
Basic movements like walking in town is easy because of their auto move by just clicking a location in the mini map but this is only available when you are in a town not in the sea. Sailing is easy but navigating and gaining access to different ports is hard. Navigating is hard because obviously your world map IS THE WHOLE WORLD! That is only the half of it, you still have the land to explore to!
Again, reading the quest is a must or you will get lost there are no "addons" like quest helper in WoW in this game. I even downloaded google earth just to know where to go to haha. There are also conditions that your outfit should be good to talk to a noble npc just to get a quest.
Crafting and profession is vast and there are tons of items, equipments, materials, parts, etc to acquire from (including work of arts). But thankfully there is the bank to store this and your own home. Speaking of bank, storage system is different. Storing money and leave it for a long time will gain interest and will be added to your total amount.
Another favorite part is having your own space in the game, either a dorm room, farm, to an island.In short there are many things to do in the game.
Lots of things to do in the game.
Recommended for those players that wants a change of pace besides action games.
Graphics are simply and unique on its own.
Newbie System.
BGM is so relaxing that you can go to sleep.
Due to the games vastness, players can get lost.
Lots of reading may tend new players to quit the game early.
Finding certain area in the sea is hard.
Finding items needed for your profession or crafting is quite difficult.
official site:
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Columbus day
Peter G. Nelson, Jr | 7 Oct 2010 8:13 pm
Avast, and shiver me timbers! Even a ninja lover such as myself can't fancy shaking a peg leg at a launch such as this. TECMO KOEI GAMES has announced the official launch of this sea-faring MMO in the Western world, and to kick it off in style on Columbus Day Weekend are hosting an in-game event simulating the first voyage of Christopher Columbus. To sweeten the deal even more, during the event, players will have the chance to be awarded with in-game money and items, and one luck player will win a grand prize of a cruise ticket valued at $4,000 USD to a destination of their choice.
"Uncharted Waters Online celebrates the explorer in all of us," said Takeda Tomokazu, producer, TECMO KOEI GAMES. "We invite players to set forth on the stormy sea and set sail for the pages of history. Whether battling pirates or becoming a master of trade, this online adventure will inspire players to chart their own course through the game and beyond. And, with our Columbus Day promotion, one of our fans can live out their sea-faring dreams."
For more information on Uncharted Waters Online and the Columbus Day contest, head over to the main site at
Monday, September 27, 2010
Uncharted Waters Online: Language Guide
Uncharted Waters Online is an online game wherein you play in the Age of Discovery/Exploration period of Planet Earth (15th to 17th Century), where you are one of the Captain on voyage trying to open new trade routes, discover new exciting places, and the mapping of the planet. Of course, before you can have a conversation and establish a good trade with the peoples of the world, you need to learn their languages.
Learning a new language is simple, just visit any city and talk to the lords and ladies of any ‘houses’. As a clue, the names of these houses end up with the word ‘Estate’. Additionally, guild houses (Adventurer Guild, Maritime Guild, and Merchant/Trader Guild) also offer languages.
Below you will find a tabular list of the languages available per city and the establishment where you can learn it. A word of caution, languages count as one (1) skill. You will need to forget a skill if you already maxed out your allotted number of skills that you can learn. But be careful not to unlearn the language of the city you are currently in, lest you want to travel all the way back to where you first learnt of their language in the first place.
Language | Used in | City/Town |
Arabic [ARA] | Islamic world | Athens (Maritime Guild) Genoa (Merchant Guild) Seville (Tome Pires) |
Celtic [CLT] | Britain archives | London (Shakespeare) |
Chinese [CHN] | China | Anping (He Bin) |
Dutch [DUT] | North Flanders | London (Shakespeare) Marseille (Francois Rabelais) Seville (Maritime Guild) Venice (President Shylock) |
Egyptian [EGY] | Egypt | Beirut (Bay Hail) Tripoli (Shinan Pasha) |
English [ENG] | Great Britain | Amsterdam (Erasmus) Genoa (Maritime Guild) Marseille (Francois Rabelais) Seville (Duke of Parma) |
French [FRE] | France | Amsterdam (Lou Pence) Venice (Michelangelo) |
German [GER] | Germany | Amsterdam (Maritime Guild) |
Greek [GRE] | Greek Peninsula | Naples (Merchant Guild) Venice (Maritime Guild) |
Hebrew [HEB] | Israel, Sinai | Naples (Thomas Campanella) |
Indic (Indo-Aryan) [IND] | Indian Sub-Continent | Hormuz (Ali Reis) Manila (Lopez de Legazpi) Muscat (Al Gauri) |
Italian [ITA] | Italian Peninsula | Lisbon (President Baldi) Marseille (Da Vinci) Seville (El Greco) |
Japanese [JPN] | Japan | Nagasaki (William Adams) |
Korean [KOR] | Korean Peninsula | Hanyang (Yu Seong-ryong) |
Latin [LTN] | European Scholars | Syracusa (Prince Jame) |
Malay-Tagalog [MAL] | South-East Asia | Calicut (Kujarato Daesang Group) |
Mayan [MAY] | Central America | Havana (Chief Uareo) |
Mon-Khmer [MON] | Indochina | Calicut (Adventurer Guild) |
Nahuatl (Aztec) [NWT] | Central America | Veracruz (Las Casas) |
Nordic/Norse [NOR] | Scandinavian Peninsula | London (Maritime Guild) |
Oceanic languages [OCE] | Oceania region | Buenos Aires (Diaz de Solis) Manila (Lopez de Legazpi) |
Persian [PRS] | Basra and Hormuz | Mozambique (Koritan) Zanzibar (Elder Majid) |
Portuguese [PRT] | Iberian Peninsula | Amsterdam (Mercator) Nantes (Princess Margaret) Seville (Tome Pires) |
Quechua [QCH] | South America | Portobelo (Balboa) |
Slavic [SLV] | Eastern Europe | Antwerp (Queen Mary) Athens (Martinengo engineer) Ragusa (Veronica Franco) |
Spanish [SPA] | Iberian Peninsula | Lisbon (Diaz Admiral) London (Shakespeare) Venice (Paracelsus) |
Swahili [SWA] | East Africa | Lisbon (Njinga Nbenba) |
Thai-Burmese [THA] | Burma/Myanmar and Thailand | Calicut (Marikkaru) |
Turkish [TUR] | Istanbul | Siracusa (Prince Jame) Tunis (Merchant Guild) |
West African languages [WAF] | South-West Africa | Porto (Duarte Lopez) |
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